Each June 20 on World Refugee Day, CCC celebrates the richness and diversity that refugees bring to America.
This year the team in Newport News invited 45 refugee families to drive through the office parking lot to receive special gift bags filled with diapers, culturally-appropriate dry foods, bus passes, COVID-19 educational materials, and other items.
The team also celebrated 14 seniors in the Virginia Refugee Student Achievement Project. The teens were invited to drive through the celebration and receive gift cards and their certificates of achievement, signed by our partners at the Virginia Office of Newcomer Services.
"We are so proud of our graduating Seniors," said Newport News Resettlement Program Manager Kristen Larcher. "They worked so hard and deserved to celebrate!"
The day was made possible in part by donations from Christopher Newport University's Alpha Kappa Alpha, Lambda Omega Chapter and Alpha Kappa Alpha of

This story was originally published in the Summer issue of Chronicle.