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CCC Welcomes New Director of Parish Engagement

Originally published in Winter 2019 Chronicle

Commonwealth Catholic Charities has hired John Elwell as the new Director of Parish Engagement.

"Strong relationships with our Parishes give us the foundation we need to impact the communities we serve," said CCC CEO, Jay Brown. "Having a point person for parish engagement is going to go a long way to help us build the relationships we need to accomplish our goals. We know that much of the success of CCC, and how well we are able to fulfill our role in the communities, is through the support and partnerships with the local parishes."

In this new role Elwell will act as a liaison between CCC and Catholic parishes and schools throughout the Diocese of Richmond, facilitating cooperation and partnership to execute the social mission of the Church.

"Commonwealth Catholic Charities' role in our community and in our diocese is to be a partner with our parishes," said Elwell. "A partner that helps everyone to work together and live out the Gospel to better serve the most vulnerable among us. We all have our strengths and it’s vital that we share those strengths as we work toward social justice. When we work together, we can fill in the gaps and truly serve our communities, from Hampton Roads to Norton."

Elwell previously worked at Catholic Charities in Fort Worth, Texas where he served as Program Manager for Volunteer & In-kind Services.

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